Saturday, February 18, 2023

Spiral of Silence

The Spiral of Silence Theory is closely connected to Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, a German political scientist. Beyond the scientific community, the Spiral of Silence Theory has made its way into social psychology. The theory focuses on how public opinion sways, specifically in moral and emotional debates.

By constantly observing other people's behavior, individuals identify which views and behaviors are approved or rejected in the public sphere. Unconscious perception affects the willingness to express opinions on controversial issues because people fear their opinion is unpopular. The unpopularity of an idea discourages people from saying it, but popular opinion has a different effect. 

Origin of the Theory:

Noelle-Neumann and her staff began collecting research from the 1965 German Federal election campaign discovering voter turnout calculated 45 percent support for the Christian Democratic Union-Christian Social Union (CDU-CSU) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDP), making it impossible to determine the outcome. Toward the end of the campaign, the CDU-CSU produced a surprising increase and won against the SDP. Queen Elizabeth II visited Germany accompanied by Christian Democratic German chancellor Ludwig Erhard, increasing support, and SDP feared expressing their opinions.

How the Theory is Broken Down:

People with unpopular opinions fear social isolation and isolation pressure. Exerting isolation pressure is a form of rejection. An example is frowning at someone. 

Supporters of popular opinion tend to express themselves loud and clear. 

The number of people in support of an opinion is not crucial to the weight of the Spiral of Silence. It depends on how assertive and publically defensive people can be with their opinion. Therefore, the opinion of the minority can be perceived as the majority in the public sphere.

Mass media cumulatively and concordantly agreeing with one side of public controversy increases its popularity, giving it a greater chance to win the spiral of silence.

What the public opinion approves and rejects changes from place to place. However, it stabilizes society because the spiral of silence resolves conflicts.

How it Affects Different Segments:

On May 25th, 2020, George Floyd's death renewed the racial justice movement, demanding changes in policing, politics, sports, art, culture, business, education, media, etc. His death resulted in protests and Black Lives Matter chapters throughout the country. As a result, many states passed police reform laws, and companies began hiring minorities to appear more diverse. 

The movement reinforced "cancel culture," which has become intensely involved with the nation's political discourse. Some use cancel culture to hold people accountable, and others use it as a tactic to punish. The Black Lives Matter Movement was the popular opinion of the spiral of silence, and people opposed to the Black Lives Matter Movement often feared social isolation if they publically expressed their opinion.

How has the Spiral of Silence Impacted Me:

Political views have been an ongoing controversial topic that has impacted me, my family, and my friends. Talking about politics tends to ruin relationships, as people are less likely to listen to other people's points of view. Due to the extreme polarization in the United States, expressing political views increases social isolation.


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