Saturday, February 18, 2023

Living in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

 Is A.I. Taking Over?

The A.I. is a set of tools intended to maximize a function. As a result of A.I., people are losing their jobs, and countries are increasingly offshoring. All kinds of companies are affected, and our privacy is constantly violated.


China is almost entirely a surveillance state. Huawei is the backbone of A.I. technology. Such technology has the tools to identify individuals prone to terrorism or who need to redo their education. 

China, and the United States, are two different worlds, and being antagonistic to A.I. could ultimately impact United States citizens if the two nations don't work together to produce sound. Huawei has created 5G and 6G networks to increase the connection speed creating fear that China is looking at messages and phone information.

National Security

The United States is working on integrating A.I. into defense systems. It will be used to do tasks such as processing financial data. 

A.I. will predict mechanical failures in weapons and perform complex
analyses in warfighting scenarios. 

In addition, A.I. will benefit national security through drones, facial recognition, and battle recommendations, including missile strike targets.


Larry Page and Sergey Brin are two founders of Google. Whatever people do on the internet leaves a digital trace. Google implemented digital tracing to increase income secretly. Revenue amounted to 23 billion and increased by 3590% from 2000 to 2004. 

Google technologies are now found in homes that listen to everything ranging from your voice to sneezing. Facebook followed in Google's footsteps and was caught. 

Tracking helped determine if you were a racist, a homophobe, happy, sad, lazy, gullible, etc. Browsers now have a 3rd-party opt-out that signals all websites you don't want your information tracked. Also, websites tend to have a "don't use my information" icon. California allows citizens to go to companies directly and ask what information they have about them. 


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