Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Top Five News Sources

In today's times, technological advancements have made it easier for everyone to access the news. Reliable news sources are hard to come by as they are often biased and fixed with algorithms to individual likings. People often find the most recent headlines and global news through mobile devices, television, and social media outlets. Below are the five news sources I frequently use to obtain information. 

Fox News is one of my go-to news sources. Fox News is a more conservative-based news source that allows me to obtain information from a Republican point of view. Although I read articles from the Fox News website, I've often sat around the TV with my family, watching political analysts such as Tucker Carlson. Fox News provides news information on politics, weather, sports, entertainment, business, and more.

Google News covers a variety of topics customized to the users' liking. Google News is very popular. However, Google News is not a reliable source. It can be biased, but the website covers subjects regarding technology, business, health, sports, and more. Although it isn't always accurate, I use Google News frequently for quick research.

The New York Times is a Democratic-leaning news source. In many of my previous classes, professors have often referred to the New York Times for homework assignments. In addition, I've used these articles for countless amounts of essays. Also, I like to keep myself informed about both political sides. The New York Times offers information about what's happening in the world, politics, New York, the arts, and more. 

The Pew Research Center is a commonly used source for research on current debates. Many of my classes in the past have sourced articles from the Pew Research Center because it provides graphs and political issues. The Pew Research Center also has an Experts tab that covers a variety of subjects. 

The Daily Mail is a very unreliable source but can inform you of the latest gossip on celebrities and more. I read the Daily Mail every day through a free subscription on Snapchat. It's very accessible and entertaining. The Daily Mail creates eye-catching headlines and has graphics to keep the reader engaged. However, while reading the Daily Mail's articles, you will often find grammatical errors and see the minimal effort reporters put into their writing when there is a sense of urgency in creating a post for that day. 


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